Friday, June 10, 2011

Contructive Summer

With both the kids home for the summer we are already having the, "You need to do something constructive this summer" talk. I don't really know exactly what that means, but I remember my parents saying the same thing!

As I began to ponder what that means, the Lord said to me that we should all be doing something constructive this summer. Not just kids who are home from school. As I began thinking what that would look like, I went to God's Word for some ideas.

Ephesians 5:15-17 says, "Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is."

We all need to be making the most of our time and using the opportunities God has given us to make a difference in the lives of those God has put in our path. God has given each of us a mission filed to impact people who are already in our everyday lives. We will either impact others or their lives will impact us.

What are somethings we can do to be contructive?
Read the Bible everyday, speak to your neighbors or someone who you come in contact with and start sharing love and Christ with them, start reaching out to family members you don't normally talk to and build up that relationship, pray with your spouse or family each week, go to church each week....the list is endless. Let me know if you have some things I could add to my list as well.

We can conquer this together! Lets commit to do things that will grow our relationship with God. That is productive and constructive! Not just for now, but for eternity.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

"Mom I am not dying, I am just going to college!"

Moms and sons have a special relationship that is different than all others. While everyone is trying to make boys tough, moms are the ones who make sure their life has as much encouragement and love as they will tolerate. From the time Garrison could talk we had our own special saying. I would say, "My Garrison and no one else's!" and he would say "My Mommy and no one else's!" In those early years we talked all the time and he thought my answer’s to his “why” questions where brilliant.

Many years later I can still hear his small voice from the back seat, "Mommy will you hold my hand?" My little guy always wanted to hold my hand as he fell asleep. Over the years I must have driven hundreds of miles with one hand on the wheel and one hand reaching behind me holding that cute stubby hand. To this day Garrison always sleeps when a car is in motion.

As the years came and went we evolved from hugs and kisses in public to high fives and the endless, “I love you, no, I love you more,” became I love you only when he was going to bed. As the teenage years hit and it was no longer cool to hang with mom I was replaced by teachers and coaches who had better answer’s to his why questions than I did. I now know all of this was preparing me for the big day; the day I would take my son to college and leave him in a new place where I would have no control.

Recently as we drove Garrison to college for Student Orientation, panic hit as I wondered if I had forgotten to tell him anything important he would need in his new life without me like- You are so good looking and so sweet and girls are going to take advantage of you, or be sure and hang up your stuff right out of the dryer so it isn't wrinkled, or please don't make a really stupid decision that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.

Even though I have been dreading this moment for 18 years, I knew it was coming and one day he would be excited to leave our home and start his own life. We had spent hours pouring into his Soul being sure it was filled with the substance of God. He would no longer be asking us for permission, or waking us up to tell us he was home, or cleaning his room, or taking out the trash, or mowing the lawn, or putting away his clothes. He would now be making ALL of his own decisions and doing what he wanted.

Then the panic really set in as I thought of the kids when I was at college who went crazy when they left home and did things they now regret. I wondered if he would be a selfish college student who did nothing but have fun and make himself happy.

Then I thought over this last summer as I watched him with admiration go to Africa and work so hard in the sun until he was blistered all over and still have love to give to little African kids who didn't know love. How he told them the Bible said God loved them and wanted to be their friend. He was shocked how the kids were thankful for the smallest things we take for granted each day such as their porridge they had to fill their hungry stomachs. It was then I knew God had etched something on his heart that even I had no power to battle, the battle is Gods. Then God said to my heart, "Mary, Garrison is mine and no one else's." Our loan with Garrison has expired and now it is time to let him go.

I know Garrison will come home for holidays and visits, but he will never need me as he has in the past. One of the hardest and most necessary parts of a mother's love is to let her children grow up and away from her. Our kids don't want to hear how much we'll cry and miss them; they want to hear I love you and believe in you! You have an exciting future ahead and with God all things are possible.

Which is what I chose to do that day as I hugged my first born goodbye in the dorm parking lot. Garrison leaned over and asked me, "Is this going to be a THING, you know Mom I am not dying, I'm just going to college!" I laughed and told him God had great plans for him and I know he will do great, then of course the mom voice kicked in....don't forget to make good choices and follow God."

Actually I am at peace and so thankful I am no longer responsible for his decisions and helping him remember everything. Yes, God he is Yours and no one else's.

Deut. 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Is Your Soul Secure?

I recently had a young college girl come to my office very afraid she had done something that would allow evil spirits to enter her soul. She had become weary of waiting on answers from God and decided to consult a psychic. During the process she had a terrible dream that shook her to the core. She was afraid she was now possessed and these evil spirits would continue to haunt her.

As we began to talk, I told her our conversation could take two very separate directions depending on if she had accepted Jesus as her savior. She said she was a believer in Christ so our conversation was based on spiritual warfare and the believer. I want to unmistakably say that spiritual warfare is very real and not something to be taken lightly.

Ephesians 1:13-14 states that the moment we hear and believe in Christ, the Holy Spirit comes and lives in us and we are SEALED guaranteeing our inheritance and redemption. The word “Seal” indicates security (Matt 27:66 and Eph 4:30) authentication (John 6:27) certification of genuineness (John 3:33 ) and identification of ownership (2 Corr 1:22 and Rev 7:2, 9:4). Basically, all of this means when we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit comes and lives in us and seals us until the day of Christ return when we will join God in heaven. Since the Holy Spirit is living in us and has sealed us, nothing can come in and possess us, not even another spirit. You can trust God’s power to keep you safe and secure. His Word promises He will never leave or forsake us and nothing is capable of breaking His seal. So take comfort in His promise that nothing is getting in and nothing is getting out past His secure seal.

This secure seal is an important Biblical principle to understand. We can fight the spiritual enemy because we have the power of God, the Holy Spirit living in us. Satan has no power or possession over our hearts, our souls or our lives. But we do need to take ownership of what we have allowed to infiltrate our minds. Once we have exposed our minds to anything, it is difficult to forget.

So what can we do when in a weak moment we have exposed ourselves or dwelled on something we shouldn’t have…thoughts, movies, pictures, relationships, even spiritual warfare? First, ask for God’s forgiveness and then practice and dwell on God’s Word, the substance of our souls!!
• James 4:7 So submit to God. But resist the devil and he will flee from you.
• 1 Peter 5:8-9 Be sober and alert. Your enemy the devil, like a roaring lion, is on the prowl looking for someone to devour. Resist him, strong in your faith, because you know that your brothers and sisters throughout the world are enduring the same kinds of suffering.
• 2 Cor. 10:4-6 For the weapons of our warfare are not human weapons, but are made powerful by God for tearing down strongholds. We tear down arguments and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to make it obey Christ. We are also ready to punish every act of disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete.

Next time you’re tempted to take your heart and mind somewhere you know you shouldn’t, think of the implications and destruction that will follow. God forgives us, but forgiving ourselves and forgetting what we have done and exposed ourselves to doesn’t happen easily or overnight. I am praying Ephesians 6:10-13 for you, “Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

Thankful for God's security,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What is your Soul worth?

Scripture has a lot to say about your soul. In fact, three of the disciples thought it was so important they all included it in their Gospel. Matthew 16:26 says, "What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?"

I don't know about you, but I am constantly making decisions that either draw me to the world or to God. It is a struggle that never seems to cease. God says we can gain everything in the world that we have ever wished for or desired, and if we have lost our relationship with Him it is empty. I have done that plenty of times in my life!! Thought I just needed to accomplish or gain something and did it on my own without God. In the end I discovered the victory was not what I really wanted. I wanted something to make me feel good, to fill that ache that only God can fill. We so often look to the world for our value, love and happiness.

Don't be too busy this week to spend time feeding your soul with God and his Word. Turn off the radio and TV and ignore those emails and Twitters and spend some time praying or reading some Scripture. It will help refocus you and speak words of life into that deep ache in your heart. Yes, other things will distract the pain for a time, but they will eventually show themselves for the cheap imitation they are. Only God can fill the deep crevices in your heart in a way that brings that deep down.....know in your heart of hearts..... always longing for..... love that you are desperate for.

Guard your soul with the tenacity that you do the carpet you don't want the stain on, or the flowers you have planted and watered, or your kids that you give so much to, or that new possession you are so happy to have but don't want to loan out...God promises to show up when we look for Him. Deuteronomy 4:29" But when you seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.

Come on the expedition with me. The Soul Substance Expedition, I am so glad to have you along for the ride.

Desperately Seeking Jesus,